Mission Statement It is the mission of the National 21st Century Black Pro-Life Movement to promote a culture of life through divine guidance.
Vision Statement It is the vision of the National 21st Century Black Pro-life Movement to promote traditional family values and to produce strong and healthy families where babies are safe and able to reach their full potential in life.
Core Values
Komen for the Cure donates to PPH http://networkedblogs.com/8Zcc1
The truth they don’t want you to know about “ella”. http://networkedblogs.com/9FQ9M
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Planned Parenthood http://ow.ly/32Aws
RU-486 Cover-up http://ow.ly/32AED
Blacks, the minority, are being targeted for genocide. Check out Maafa21 www.maafa21.com
>Minorities and students are being targeted, check out Blood Money www.bloodmoneyfilm.com
Jon Stewart’s video http://ow.ly/32BcN
Lila Rose, Live Action President on defending human life http://ow.ly/32BUv
Demographic Winter: the decline of the human family. http://ow.ly/32C0B
The Truth behind Hip Hop http://ow.ly/32CHv
See images of aborted babies http://ow.ly/32Cag
The Truth Behind Abortion
The ABCs of Breast Cancer http://ow.ly/32Bqp
Catherine Davis Star Parker Pastor Stephen Broden Dr. La Verne Tolbert Dr. Levonne Yuille Dr. Loretto Cudjoe Grier Smith Lorey Carter Millie Jackson Ryan Bomburger Rev. Sam Mosteller Walter Hoye
William Ford III Zina Hackworth Ethel Martin Rev. Clennard Childress Pastor Caesar Leflore Bishop Harry Jackson Pastor Kyle Searcy Rev. Arnold Culbreath Dr. Alveda King Tijuanna Adetunji Pastor Luke Robinson
Claude Allen L. Clark Connie Eller Felicia Taylor Day Gardner Sylinthia Stewart Dr. Johnny Hunter Pat Hunter Dean Nelson Dr. Mildred Jefferson Dr. Haywood Robinson