CRU Audio & Video

Dr. Alveda King, Priests for Life from RedKudzu on Vimeo.

WALK WITH GOD Alveda King and Friends

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1/17/21)

Important for people in the prayer community to vote for candidates of 'principal': Dr. Alveda King

Ossoff, Warnock 'play the race card': Alveda King

Evangelist Alveda King on Georgia Senate runoffs: ‘We have to vote’

Not on My Watch! Atlanta 2020

Women of the King Family Legacy, Part One

Introduction to Latter Rain

Latter Rain: The Lord's Prayer

Latter Rain: The Lord is Here

Latter Rain: I am Not Ashamed

Latter Rain: How Great Thou Art

Latter Rain: The Making of How Great Thou Art

Latter Rain: Little Girl Dancer

Latter Rain: Little Girl

Latter Rain

Latter Rain: Let Me Explain

Closing of Latter Rain

The End of Legalized abortion in America, Everything is Coming Together (CBN)

Alveda King talks about her efforts to help make Juneteenth a federal holiday

Alveda King's Message on Juneteenth becoming a national holiday

Dr. Alveda King pushes back against left-wing critics of Georgia requiring voter ID

Dr. Alveda King shares her 'Coming to America' story

New film 'Roe v. Wade' reveals how the case 'was really decided': Filmmaker

Stacey Abrams comparison to MLK Jr. is 'totally unfounded': Alveda King

Michelle Obama rips President Trump in Democratic National Convention speech

Alveda King: Obama's wordplay at John Lewis' funeral took us back to the segregated '60s

Evangelist Alveda King Prays with Protesters (June 2020)

Dr. Alveda King celebrates Black History Month (Fox and Friends, February 2020)

How Can the Dream Survive if We Murder Our Children?

Evangelist Alveda King prays and mourns the loss of Black lives by abortion

Ministering at Chickasaw County Correctional Facility

Trump backs race-neutral college admissions standard (FoxNews, 07/09/18)

Evangelist Alveda King: Independence Day 2018

Alveda King: We need to pray for Maxine Waters (Fox Business, 6/26/18)

Hurting the Party of Lincoln: Alveda King on the Emmanuel Boose Show - June 2018

Softly And Tenderly (A cappella) by Evangelist Alveda King

This Little Light of Mine by Evangelist Alveda King

Fr. Frank's talk at the 2018 Martin Luther King Commemoration

Merry Christmas from Evangelist Alveda King

I Need Thee (Sung by Evangelist Alveda King)

Evangelist Alveda King sings 'People Need the Lord'

Evangelist Alveda King sings 'The Keys Song'

Evangelist Alveda King at Life Care Pregnancy Center Banquet (09/07/17)

Alveda King Prays at the Trump Rally in Phoenix, AZ (August 2017)

Alveda King on Fox News: Democrats question Trump's civil rights knowledge (July 16, 2017)

Alveda King on Fox News: Democrats question Trump's civil rights knowledge (July 2017)

Alveda King on EWTN's Morning Glory (July 19, 2017)

Evangelist Alveda King on EWTN News Nightly

Preexisting Conditions (May 9, 2017)

Alveda King on Bill Martinez Live (May 9, 2017)

Alveda King grades President Trump's first 100 days (Fox News)

African-Americans & Trump (O'Reilly Factor, February 21, 2017)

Bernice and Alveda King discuss importance of nonviolent communication. (Fox 5 Atlanta, February 20, 2017) Bernice and Alveda King discuss importance of nonviolent communication. (Fox 5 Atlanta, February 20, 2017)

Black Lives Matter activists aim to 'reclaim' MLK as radical (Alveda King on FoxNews, 01/16/17) Black Lives Matter activists aim to 'reclaim' MLK as radical (Alveda King on FoxNews, 01/16/17)

Christmas with the Kings Christmas with the Kings

Dr. Alveda King on Trump appointees labelled 'racist' (Fox News, November 20, 2016) Dr. Alveda King on Trump appointees labelled 'racist' (Fox News, November 20, 2016)

Alveda King Discusses How To Prevent Abortions In Black Community: Jack Hakimian Show - October 2016 Alveda King Discusses How To Prevent Abortions In Black Community: Jack Hakimian Show - October 2016

Evangelist Alveda King Presidential Debate Takeaways 10/10/16 Evangelist Alveda King Presidential Debate Takeaways 10/10/16

Evangelist Alveda King: The Esther Moment Season

Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece reacts to Dallas shooting on FoxNews

World Over - 2016-07-07 – Racial Tensions in the U.S., Dr. Alveda King with Raymond Arroyo

Black Matters - St. Mary's School Ontario, CANADA

Evangelist Alveda King and Rev. Dr. Alfonso Espinosa - May 7, 2016

Alveda King shares her uncle's message of hope, unity

Evangelist Alveda King on the Derrell Day Show - May 6, 2016

ONE on ONE with Dr. Alveda King

Veronica Kemeny Announces Alveda King Event on the Derrell Day Show - April 2016

2016 Jubilee Prayer Mantle

Alveda King on Fox News, April 4, 2016: Has America lived up to Dr. Martin Luther King's legacy?

Praying for Those in Authority

Alveda King on California’s right-to-die bill (Fox Business, October 6, 2015)

Alveda King on Cavuto on Fox Business: The Pope brings hope and unity (September 24, 2015)

Alveda King Says Her Uncle Would Be ‘Disturbed’ by Planned Parenthood Videos (The Daily Signal, July 22, 2015)

Fox and Friends: Alveda King releases new, hopeful song (July 5, 2015)

June 20, 2015: Alveda King Calls for Prayer in Wake of SC Massacre: 'Hate Cannot Drive out Hate'

Baltimore Sun: Dr. King's niece in town with GOP support - June 12, 2015

March 10, 2015: Alveda King reflects on Fox News on Selma 50 years ago

Dr. Alveda King speaks at the Georgia State Capital (March 2, 2015)

Why Black Children Are Becoming History: Dr. Alveda King on CBN News

Dr. Alveda King joins Patriotic Remnant Prayer for America in praying for the end of abortion

Dr. Alveda King on The Palin Update with Kevin Scholla! (part two) - January 19, 2015

Dr. Alveda King on The Palin Update with Kevin Scholla! (part one) - January 19, 2015

Alveda King: United in Christ

Dr. Alveda King: Slavery

Dr. Alveda King: Christian Leaders

Dr. Alveda King: The Dream Today

Dr. Alveda King: Price of Justice

Dr. Alveda King on EWTN News Nightly - December 8, 2014

Pray for the Ballot - Dr. Alveda King

Dr. Alveda King speaks at Heartbeat of Lima's

September 2, 2014: Dr. Alveda King on Fox Business on ISIS and Ferguson, MO

July 2, 2014: Dr. Alveda King on Fox and Friends: 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act

King Rules

Life and Family with Pastor Allen McNair

The Avenue Radio Show: Interview with Alveda King

Fr. Frank Pavone Preaching at Believer's Bible Christian Church in Atlanta, GA

Dr. Alveda King on Fox News on Martin Luther King Day (January 20, 2014)

Refrain from Violence

No Shots Fired: Moratorium On Violence

Alveda King’s interview on "God in Our City" on WMCA in New York

A Civil Rights Message from Dr. Alveda King - January 2014

A Christmas Message from Dr Alveda King

Dr. Alveda King speaks with Marc Medley on The Reading Circle

Dr. Alveda King on the Rick Amato show (August 29, 2013)

Dr. Alveda King on "The World Over" on EWTN - August 2013

Dr. Alveda King on Sean Hannity: 50th Anniversary of March on Washington (August 28, 2013)

Alveda King and Mike Huckabee reflect on the 50th anniversary of MLK's I Have a Dream speech

Dream Realized? Family Reflects on King's Legacy

Dr. Alveda King on with Emmanuel Boose

Alveda King on the Zimmerman Sentencing

Supreme Court and Human Sexuality

Purpose: "Be Fruitful and Multiply"

Dr. Alveda King remembers her uncle, Martin Luther King, Jr.

Alveda King on Mike Huckabee - December 18, 2012

Psalm 91 Radio Broadcast with Dr. Ralph Martino, Pastor of First Church of Christ Holiness, Washington, DC (11/4/2012)

Alveda King interviewed by Mike Huckabee

Alveda King with Sean Hannity: Audio: Morning After Pill in NYC schools (September 25, 2012)

Alveda King on In the Market with Janet Parshall

Alveda King interviewed on The Story of Liberty

Alveda King interviewed Lisa Kratz Thomas

Black American Woman Standing UP for God with her Vote. We are accountable to God for our vote!

Priests for Life will Disobey HHS Mandate

Would Dr. King have supported same-sex marriage?

Alveda King's Talk at the World Congress of Families

Exploiting Trayvon Martin's death? Part 1

Exploiting Trayvon Martin's death? Part 2

Alveda King on Sean Hannity: Obama and Same Sex Marriage (May 16, 2012)

Dr. Alveda King on the Mike Huckabee Show

Dr. Alveda King speaks in Oakland, MI

Alveda's Speech at the Pregnancy Helpline Celebration of Life, May 3, 2012

Stop Playing the Race Card in the Trayvon Martin Case

Dr. Alveda King on Moody Radio for Martin Luther King Day - PT 1

Dr. Alveda King on Moody Radio for Martin Luther King Day - PT 2

Dr. Alveda King on the Invisible Conservative

Alveda King Preaches Against Abortion in Detroit

Alveda King on the Sean and Frank radio show

Occupy Protests the New Civil Rights Movement?

Alveda King on the Jensine Bard Show - Pt 2

Reel to Reel #1

Alveda King on the Jensine Bard Show - Pt 1

MLK's niece preaches pro-life decisions

Dr. Alveda King Speaks to Students at Notre Dame High School in New York

Creative Minority Report: Dr. King and Lila Rose pray at "The Response." - 08/06/2011

Alveda King interview with Valder Beebe (September 6, 2011)

Interview with Bob Crittenden of Faith Radio, August 25, 2011

Rekindling the Spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Alveda King on Fox and Friends, January 13, 2010

Dr. Alveda C. King comments on abortion in New York City

The Vision #3 - Alveda King & Day Gardner

Alveda King on CBSNews before the Restoring Honor Rally

Alveda King at Glenn Beck Rally: I Too Have A Dream

Charlie Butts Talking about the NAACP and Freedom Rides

Alveda King at the European Parliament in Dublin

Pro-Life Groups Rally Against Va. Abortion Clinic

Dr. Alveda King talks about Juneteenth on CBN

Alveda: Why did people vote for Barack Obama?

Alveda's Christmas Video Message 2009

MLK's Niece: There's Still Work to Do

NPC Prominent Black Leaders Speak Out on Healthcare Part 3

NPC Prominent Black Leaders Speak Out on Healthcare Part 2

NPC Prominent Black Leaders Speak Out on Healthcare Q&A

Pro-lifers Work to Prevent Tax-funded Abortions

King Family Outraged by Tiller Supporter Comment

Inspirational Pro Life Testimony- Amazing!

Gay Marriage Battle Still Rages in Calif.

The Potter's Hand

Alveda King on The Complete Story with Dick Bott (9/25/2007)

How Can the Dream Survive?

Black Lives Matter activists aim to 'reclaim' MLK as radical (, January 16, 2017) Black Lives Matter activists aim to 'reclaim' MLK as radical (, January 16, 2017)

Civil Rights for the Unborn